As New Year's Eve approaches, so do the thoughts of resolutions. You should lose weight, start exercising, spend more time with family and friends. This new beginning is a chance to commit yourself to an advantageous lifestyle change for the following year. Most pets could benefit from some of these same changes. So as you look back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year, reflect on the changes you want to make for you and your pet and resolve to follow through with those changes. Consider working some of these resolutions into your plans for the coming year.

1.  Diet: This is the perfect time to reevaluate your pet's diet.  Remember that his diet should be suited to  his age and size. Keeping your pet at an ideal weight can help him live longer and healthier lowering the risks of heart disease and joint issues. Braxton's offers a wide variety of pet food and a knowledgeable staff to answer any of your questions. Stop by today.

2.  Exercise: Exercise is always more fun with a partner, and you have one living right under your roof. Although some dogs are happy to just walk around the neighborhood while others require more exercise time, they all enjoy the added time with you. Just because you don't have a dog, doesn't mean you can't exercise with your pet.  Cats and other animals need and enjoy exercise too.  So get outside and take Fido or Fluffy with you.

3.  Checkups: Prevention is the best medicine. Being proactive and keeping regular appointments with the veterinarian is good for you and your pet.  Regular visits keep open the lines of communication with your vet, and staying current with vaccinations and preventatives (which are your pet’s best line of defense against parasites and the deadly diseases they cause) will be much cheaper in the long run.

4.  Grooming: Resolve to stay on top of your pet's grooming routine. Bathe him, brush him, and clip his nails because pets are usually happier when they are clean. If this task is not for you, consider using a professional groomer. It will make you and your pet happy.

5.  Pet I.D.: Your pet should have some form of permanent identification on them. Whether it be a tattoo or microchip, identifying your pet and contact information will increase the chances of having your pet returned should he become lost.  It is important to keep your contact information current.

Today is the perfect day to begin thinking about how you can make 2013 the happiest and healthiest year for you and your pet. Happy New Year from the staff at Braxton's Animal Works.