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Our Products

If  you’re interested in finding the best for your pet, we have it here for you and at great prices too. Braxton’s knowledgeable staff is here to answer your questions and help you care for your pet’s needs with carefully selected products. Enjoy many wonderful shopping experiences like our customers have for over 80 years.

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Pick-up and Local Delivery

We've added Call Ahead Curbside Pick-up and same day local delivery. We're staying open to take care of your pet's needs.

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Braxton's is Hiring

Check out the position and fill out the application to see if you're a fit for the Braxton's team.

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Store Hours

We're OPEN...And have NEW hours Everyday, Monday - Sunday: 9:30am - 5:30pm. The DIY dog baths close at 5:00pm.

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