[caption id="attachment_48318" align="alignleft" width="200"] Photo: Erin F.[/caption]With the hot and humid weather hanging around, Penn Vet's Ryan Hospital offers tips to keep your pets healthy and cool.

Heat Stroke: Heat stroke can be life threatening for both dogs and cats. It is important to know the warning signs. Click here for symptoms and ways to prevent this deadly problem.

Cool Shady Place: Dogs and cats need a cool, shady place to sleep during hot weather, as well as plenty of clean, fresh water that is accessible at all times. Feed your dog or cat in the cooler hours of the day. Older animals have a hard time in hot weather, so be extra sensitive to their needs during the hottest hours of the day.

Vaccinations: Be sure that your pet’s vaccinations are up to date. Parvo virus, an illness that flourishes in hot weather, can be fatal to dogs that have not received vaccinations. Also, be sure your pet’s rabies vaccinations are current. During the summer months, pets often spend more time outdoors, increasing their chances of encountering wildlife (possible rabies carriers).

Grooming: Keep your pet well groomed. Daily brushing or combing lets you check for fleas and ticks. Ticks can carry infectious diseases and fleas can cause allergic reactions and “hot spots” in dogs. Hot spots are large, wet lesions that appear suddenly in areas where the dog has scratched. See your veterinarian for flea and tick preventives or if a hot spot appears.

Pools: If you have a swimming pool, do not leave your dog unattended in the pool area. Not all dogs can swim and they can drown if they fall into the water.

Remember to stay alert on these steamy days and watch for signs that your pet may be overheating. Stop by Braxton's to check out the array of pet cooling supplies like this K9 Cooler by My Kool Dog - A perfect way to carry cool water on a hot summer day. photo7lrg