As we transition from warm summer months to cool fall winter weather, our feline friends may start showing signs of seasonality. Just like us, cats can experience changes in diet, mood, allergies, and sleep behavior. As pet owners, it’s essential to recognize and understand these changes to ensure that our cats stay happy and healthy throughout the year. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the differences you may notice in your cat’s demeanor during the fall season and provide some helpful tips for managing these changes.

Diet Changes

With colder weather around the corner, your cat may start to crave heartier and more calorie-dense foods. While it’s tempting to provide them with extra treats or table scraps, it’s important to maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Opt for high-quality cat food that contains a mix of proteins, fats, and and minimal carbs, and speak with your vet to determine if any dietary adjustments are necessary. Try some warming proteins such as Lamb, Salmon, Beef, or Chicken to help your cat feel warm, cozy and full. If you want to read more about Warming Proteins and Cooling Proteins, click here for our blog post on Traditional Chinese Method and Food Energetic feeding practices.

Skin and Coat Changes

As temperatures drop, cats may start to shed their summer coats and grow fur to keep them warm during the winter months. While shedding is a natural part of seasonal change, regular grooming can help keep your cat’s coat healthy and shiny. Ensure that your cat gets brushed regularly and invest in a high-quality fur brush to remove any mats or tangles that may have developed. We have a quick video of how we keep our store cat, Molly, groomed on a regular basis. Check it out here.

Mood Changes

As the days become shorter, cats may become more lethargic and less active than they were in the summer months. Additionally, sudden exposure to longer periods of darkness can alter your cat’s mood and behavior. If you notice any changes in your cat’s demeanor, try to keep them entertained and engaged with plenty of playtime, interactive toys, and attention.

Seasonal Allergies

Like humans, cats can develop allergies to seasonal changes. Ragweed, pollen, and other seasonal irritants can cause runny noses, sneezing, and itchy eyes in cats. If you notice that your cat is displaying allergy symptoms, speak with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate medication treatment. For more information on seasonal allergies and some natural remedies for your pet's, check out our blog on seasonal allergies here.

Sleeping Behavior

As the days become shorter, and the nights become longer, you may notice your cat sleeping more than usual. As nocturnal creatures, cats tend to sleep during the day and become more active at night, so it’s important to create a comfortable sleeping environment that offers plenty of comfort and warmth.

In conclusion, fall is a season of change not only for us but also for our feline friends. By understanding the changes that occur in their behavior and the corresponding seasonality factors that cause them, cat owners can make the necessary adjustments to keep their cats healthy and happy. Whether it’s a change in diet, grooming, or sleep habits, be patient and attentive to your cat’s needs and adjust your pet’s routine accordingly. With a little care and attention, both you and your cat can make it through the fall season with ease.