Photo: Andrea Miller

Halloween is fun for the whole family, but is it fun for your dog? Many of us enjoy Halloween, but depending on your dog’s personality, he may like staying home better. Sometimes it is kinder to leave him behind. If your dog is social and you think he will enjoy joining you on this night, please take these tips provided by the AKC into consideration:

  • Put reflective tags or a vest on your dog for visibility. Take a flashlight.
  • Try a front-hook (no-pull) harness if he needs help walking on a loose leash. If he is still learning to walk nicely on a leash, practice now. Halloween isn’t the best night to start!
  • Bring baggies to clean up after him, just in case!
  • Do not allow anyone to give him candy, and be aware that there will be candy dropped on the ground.
  • Be extra alert! There may be other dogs out, and kids in a candy frenzy do not look where they are going. Neither do parents looking for their kids.
  • Take along some treats (dog treats, not candy!) for him, and reward him periodically for being such a good dog.
  • If he seems unhappy, don’t force him to come along. Take him home and give him a dog-safe goody.

A little bit of planning will help your dog have a fun and safe Halloween, whether he goes trick-or-treating or stays home.