Our pets have always been a vital part of our lives, giving us emotional and physical support every day. It is our responsibility as pet parents to keep our furry friends safe and secure at all times. While we take every precaution to ensure that our pets are secure, there is always a chance they could become lost. July is National Lost Pet Prevention month, and as pet owners, it’s important to take measures to prevent the loss of our beloved pets.

According to the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, over ten million dogs and cats are lost, stolen, or misplaced every year in the United States. In just a few weeks, the 4th of July holiday will come, and the loud sounds of fireworks can frighten pets and make them run away. Statistics reveal that July 4th is the day when the most pets get lost in the US.

If your Pet Becomes Lost

If your pet has gone missing, the first step is not to panic. Begin your search immediately and focus on your local area, because most lost pets are found within a few miles from their home. Also visiting places you may frequent routinely with your pet if they found their way there. Alert your neighbors, post flyers around your neighborhood and contact your local animal control center, veterinarian, and animal shelter. When posting flyers or on social media, use pictures and as many descriptive terms that may help someone find your pet such as: "Hesitant around men", "Will come when called", "Will approach if offered food", "Has a limp with hind legs", or "Do not approach just call this number". Also, try using social media platforms like Facebook and Nextdoor to help spread the word and ask for help from your community.

Radnor Township Lost Pet Form

Facebook Group for Local Lost Pets

Preventing your Pet from Becoming Lost

If you know there are instances your pet might be stressed such as fireworks and thunderstorms that might cause them to run off, develop a routine that can help calm them as well as having them properly secured. If you bring your pet into public where they could get loose, ensure your harness and/or collar are properly fitted to ensure they don't break free. If your pet is a flight risk, investing in a geotracking collar or air tag might help narrow down the search.

Prevention is always the best medicine. Ensure your pet is wearing an identification tag that has your contact details and their name on it. You should also have a collar with a tag that includes important information such as your pet’s name, your name, and phone number. You can also microchip your pet that is, implanting a small computer chip just under the skin. If they become lost, a scanner will be able to read the information on the chip, allowing animal shelters to contact you. Be sure to keep your contact information updated on your pet's microchip and physical tags. If you need a physical tag for your pet you can visit Braxton's tag station to get a custom tag made for your pet anytime.

If you have Found a Lost Pet

If you happen to find a lost pet, check for identification tags, and if there is none, contact your local animal control center or shelter, and they will help identify the pet and locate their owner. You can also try contacting the local police department and post about the found pet on your social media platforms to help return the pet back to its owner. The Nextdoor App and Facebook are the two most popular social media platforms for reaching out to your community to see if anyone recognizes or owns the pet you found.

Pets are a part of the family. It could be devastating to lose them, so it’s our responsibility to do everything in our power to prevent them from getting lost in the first place. It is also our responsibility to help others if we find lost pets. With pets, every second counts, so taking quick action is essential. With these insights and tips, you have all the tools you need to keep your pet safe and to assist others in the search for their lost pets. Let’s make sure we do our part to keep pets in the loving, responsible homes they deserve.

If you have lost your pet, always feel welcome to post a Lost Pet Flyer at Braxton's on our adoption boards to help raise visibility.