Many pet owners are unaware that using plastic feeding bowls for their pets can be detrimental to their health. In fact, research has shown that placing pet food in plastic bins or bowls can lead to a number of health issues. Let’s take a look at why plastic bins are not suitable for your pet’s food and what other options you have available.

The Danger of Plastic Containers

Plastic containers are used by many pet owners to store their pet’s food. Unfortunately, these types of containers have been found to cause several health issues in pets due to the presence of toxins such as Bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is a chemical compound that is used in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, which are commonly found in plastic bottles and containers. Research has shown that exposure to BPA can disrupt hormones in animals, leading to a number of serious health problems including cancer, diabetes, obesity and infertility. Another danger of storing dry kibble in a plastic container is the fat breakdown in the kibble leaching into the porous plastic causing bacteria buildup which will affect the rest of the food in the container.

How You Can Prevent Corrosion

If you currently have a plastic container to store your food, you can thoroughly wash it with warm soapy water and continue to store your pet's food in it by leaving the food in the bag. If you have plastic food bowls, be sure to wash them after each use to prevent any contamination. The BK Pet's channel has a great video on how to safely use plastic containers here.

Alternatives To Plastic Containers

There are safer alternatives available when it comes to storing your pet’s food. Stainless steel or ceramic bowls are great options as they are more durable than plastic and do not contain any toxins or chemicals that could seep into your pet’s food over time. In addition, stainless steel and ceramic bowls do not harbor bacteria like plastic containers do so they will not become smelly or moldy over time. Furthermore, these types of bowls are easy to clean with just soap and water so they will stay fresh and hygienic longer than plastic containers would. Finally, stainless steel bowls come in a variety of sizes so you can find one that is perfect for your pet’s size and dietary needs.

It is important to remember that using plastic bins or bowls for feeding your pets is unhealthy as they may contain toxins such as Bisphenol A (BPA) which could potentially cause severe health issues in both animals and humans alike. Thankfully there are safer alternatives such as stainless steel or ceramic bowls which will provide your pet with safe nutrition without putting them at risk for long-term health complications due to toxin exposure from the bowl itself. So make sure you switch out those old plastic bowls today!