As summer temperatures rise, it's essential to be aware of the dangers hot pavement poses to our pets' sensitive paws. Just like how walking barefoot on a scorching sidewalk can be unbearable for us, the same applies to our furry friends. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the risks of hot pavement and how to protect your pet’s paws during the summer months.

Understanding the Risks

1. Burns and Blisters: Hot pavement can cause severe burns and blisters on your pet's paw pads. Pavement temperatures can be significantly higher than the air temperature, sometimes reaching over 140°F on a 90°F day. This extreme heat can damage your pet’s paws within minutes.

2. Overheating: Walking on hot surfaces can increase your pet’s body temperature, leading to overheating or heatstroke. Pets, especially dogs, regulate their body temperature through their paws and panting. When their paws are exposed to high temperatures, it hinders their ability to cool down.

3. Long-Term Damage: Repeated exposure to hot pavement can result in long-term damage to your pet’s paw pads. This includes thinning of the pads, making them more susceptible to injuries and infections.

How to Protect Your Pet’s Paws

1. Test the Pavement: Before heading out for a walk, test the pavement temperature with the back of your hand. If you can’t hold it there for seven seconds, it’s too hot for your pet.

2. Walk During Cooler Times: Plan walks early in the morning or late in the evening when the pavement is cooler. Avoid midday walks when temperatures are at their peak.

3. Use Protective Gear: Equip your pet with protective gear to shield their paws from the heat.

  • Skout's Honor Paw Balm: This natural paw balm creates a protective barrier on your pet's paws, moisturizing and preventing burns. It’s perfect for daily use and can be applied before heading out for walks.
  • Goo-Eez Dog Boots: These dog boots provide an excellent protective layer between your pet’s paws and the hot pavement. They are comfortable, easy to put on, and durable, making them ideal for summer walks. Check out how they work here!

4. Stick to Grass and Shade: Whenever possible, walk your pet on grassy areas or shaded paths to avoid direct contact with hot pavement.

5. Keep Walks Short: During particularly hot days, keep walks shorter to reduce exposure to the heat. Engage in indoor play to ensure your pet gets enough exercise without risking their paw health.

6. Cool Down Your Pet’s Paws: After a walk, check your pet's paws for any signs of burns or damage. You can cool their paws by rinsing them with cool water or using a cold, damp cloth.


By taking these precautions, you can ensure your pet’s paws stay safe and healthy throughout the summer. Remember, our pets rely on us to protect them from dangers they can’t avoid on their own. With products like Skout's Honor Paw Balm and Goo-Eez Dog Boots, you can provide an extra layer of protection and peace of mind.

Visit our store to learn more about these products and get personalized recommendations for your pet’s needs. Let’s keep our furry friends happy and comfortable all summer long!