Since many of us are quarantined and at home, it is the perfect time for a deep Spring Cleaning.

Covid-19 has certainly made cleaning a priority this year, and if you're home, why not deep clean? As we learn more about the virus, we are finding out that the CDC recommends a two-step preventive measure: “cleaning of visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection.”

It is thought that the Coronavirus is spread through respiratory droplets from person to person; however, there is evidence that transmission can also happen by touching infected surfaces.

So it is more important than ever to clean and disinfect all surfaces, including your pet's surfaces. For instance, harnesses, collars, and leashes can get wet or dirty and cause bacteria or yeast to grow. These items should be cleaned regularly but especially now. Be sure to dry them properly before putting them back on your pet.

Your pet's toys are another place for germs to breed. If possible, throw them in with the laundry and dryer, or in the dishwasher. It's especially important for things like interactive toys and feeders.

Cat trees and scratch pads are other items that should be cleaned regularly. If you are unsure how to clean them, consult this article from Kitty Wire for specific instructions.

Most beds these days come with a removable cover that can be thrown directly in the wash along with blankets. But another way to clean these items, especially while you're already cleaning the rest of your space, is to use the vacuum cleaner on them to pick up debris and use one of the accessories to brush off and suck up hair and dander.

Food and Water bowls should be cleaned daily. It is better to have several so that you can rotate them and give them a good cleaning.

Do you have any pet cleaning tips? Share them with us below in the comments section.