Marianne, a loyal Braxton's customer throughout the years, encouraged her daughter, Bridget, to apply for a part-time job while she was in high school.

After seeing the fun Bridget was having and realizing how much she enjoyed animals, Marianne decided to join the Braxton's team. Marianne worked part-time from about 1999-2003. She loved the family atmosphere that the Braxtons cultivated. "They make you feel like you are a part of their family," Marianne says about the Braxtons - especially John and Dave.

In 2003 Marianne left Braxton's to pursue other opportunities, but that is not the end of the story.

Twelve years later her life has come full circle. We are happy to welcome Marianne back into the fold. She returns with a plethora of experience and brings a new enthusiasm to her position.

"After being out there in the world, I realize how much I miss the core values that define Braxton's Animal Works." Marianne admires the way Braxton's treats both their employees and their customers. Their "customer oriented service" and "trust-worthy advice" is something she tried to emulate at other establishments.

Marianne is looking forward to meeting both old and new customers and bringing a fresh approach to the sales team.

Stop by Braxton's and say hello to Marianne. Don't forget to ask her about her daughter, Bridget, she is getting married in the fall.