Have you noticed the sweet aroma of skunk more often on these August nights? Well, it is not your imagination. Skunks are out and about much more often in the fall. They begin what some like to call the "fall shuffle." Since skunks mate and give birth in the spring, the fall is when the young are ready to leave the nest. Not just the babies, but all skunks, young and old, go wandering off, looking for food, and searching for good places to make their winter dens.

  • Like bears preparing for hibernation, skunks need to build up stores of fat to help them survive the winter cold.

  • Skunks don't truly hibernate, though, but they can sleep for a week or two at a time during the coldest parts of the winter.

  • Their favorite food is white grubs.  They may dig up your lawn quite a bit in their hunt for these and other insect larvae.

  • Skunks also like grasshoppers, beetles, wasps, and bees.  They might also eat berries or corn or eggs or even the young of other rodents such as mice or moles or squirrels, but they can't get enough of those white grubs.

  • Lots of people say that when you see a typically nocturnal animal during the daytime, that means it's sick or rabid.  Not true in the case of skunks, especially this time of year.  They're so driven by their need to find grubs, they'll be out hunting for them as much as possible, whether it's day or night.

  • So if you see a skunk during the daytime, no need to freak out.

Although there is no sure way to keep skunks away from your yard, there are some common sense tips to avoid attracting them to your property.

  • Keep your garbage cans tightly sealed or in a secure enclosure.

  • Don't leave pet food outside. Lots of animals like pet food, not just your dog or cat!

If you or your pet does have the unfortunate experience of being sprayed by a skunk, try this home remedy.

      • 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide (typical drugstore hydrogen peroxide)
      • ¼ cup baking soda
      • 1-2 teaspoons liquid dish soap.

    • Mix and do not add water.

    • This solution can be used to wash skin, clothes, dogs, etc. that have been sprayed by skunks. It must be used immediately and won't work if it's been stored.  Thoroughly work it into the fur or fabric and leave it on for 5 minutes before rinsing. The peroxide in the solution may lighten fabrics or your pet's fur.
