[caption id="attachment_49188" align="alignleft" width="200"] Kayla Western and her dogs, Nala and Bella[/caption]

Cardio Canine, the premier dog exercising, dog walking company on the Main Line, employs professional people who love dogs and know how to handle them.

Kayla Western started Cardio Canine in 2003. After a successful 25 year professional career, she decided it was time to try something completely different. Her love of dogs and the outdoors prompted her to take a leap of faith and develop this unique company that provides a unique service.

Cardio Canine specializes in one full hour of physical exercise and mental stimulation tailored to your dog's specific needs and abilities. They take their four-legged clients to parks and run, hike, chase, swim, stroll, walk, explore, and basically have a blast for an hour. Training is reinforced, but the goal is a tired, happy dog.

Typically the session consists of a car ride to a park, an hour at the park engaging in the agreed upon activities, and the car ride home. Dogs love the chance to explore new places.

Many behavioral issues stem from not enough exercise, especially for younger dogs. If you don't have the time and energy to give your dog enough attention, a couple of Cardio Canine sessions per week will give him the high level of cardio exercise he needs to help him remember his good behavior.

Older dogs may have less energy and more arthritis, but they still love the chance to ride in the car, smell the smells, feel the breeze, and lie in the grass. An easy stroll and lots of TLC under a shade tree will help his mental state and general well being.

Kayla, a Berwyn resident, loves what she does and states that, "Every client becomes a member of my extended canine family."

So if you are looking for athletic, dependable, trustworthy people to stimulate your dog, consider Kayla and her team at Cardio Canine.

You can find contact information for Cardio Canine as well as other local pet professionals by clicking here.