In order to have a great vacation it’s best to board your pet. You know that the pet will have fine care, companionship, exercise, and attention should any health issue arise.

While a neighbor or pet sitter is great for one or two days, a long span of time leaves too much time for pets to get into trouble, be bored, or worry about their family that has left them alone.

With all the professional and extremely caring boarding choices – even pet resorts - on the Main Line, you can go away and feel confident and happy that your pet is having a vacation also.

Many boarding accommodations have special therapies – like water/pool treatment, suites so multiple pets can stay together, walkers to take them personally for their outside exercise time, grooming, special care for exotics, group play and more.

To help make your selection you can call and request a tour of the accommodations, talk to a professional to make sure any special health needs are understood and medical regime is noted and scheduled, and ask for references that you can personally contact. Today leaving your dog while on vacation is like leaving a member of your family. It is a big decision that pet care takers realize is very important to you. We are so lucky to have the very best in the Main Line area.

Click her for more Braxton’s summer pet tips on how to keep pets cool and cared for this hot summer.