The holidays are coming and the thought of getting your family a puppy or kitten for Christmas is exciting and a HUGE commitment! But before you take the plunge, there are a few things you should consider. Bringing a new pet into your home can be overwhelming, but with the right preparation and some knowledge about what to expect, you’ll be ready for your newest family member!

Know Your Pet

The first step in preparing for your new pet is to do some research. Learn as much as possible about both puppies and kittens so that you can make an informed decision. What breed would be best suited to your lifestyle? If you are a first time pet owner, research breeds heavily. Certain breeds like Belgian Malinois, Akitas, and Dalmatians make amazing dogs, but have huge energy requirements and training needs. To read more about dog breeds that make great first dogs read here. Other questions to ask yourself when choosing a pet are; Do cats need more room than dogs? What type of food will they need? Knowing these basics ahead of time will make the transition easier once your pet arrives. If possible, try to visit a shelter or rescue group where you can meet different breeds of animals and get an idea of which one might fit best into your home.

Prepare Your Home

Once you’ve decided on a breed, it’s time to prepare your home for the arrival of your new pet. Make sure all potential hazards—such as toxic plants, unsanitary rooms, and electrical cords—are out of reach from curious paws. And if you have any other pets in the house already, don’t forget to give them their own space away from where they will live with the new addition. A good rule of thumb is to keep all areas clean, safe and secure so that both old and new pets feel comfortable in their environment. Another form of preparing your home is ensuring you have all the right tools to handle that first day/night. Here is a quick starter list we recommend at Braxton's.

New Puppy Starter Kit

  • Food
  • Food and Water Bowls
  • Crate
  • Poop Bags
  • Training Treats
  • Healthy Chew Outlet
  • Collar with ID Tag
  • Leash

New Kitten Starter Kit

  • Food
  • Litter Box
  • Litter
  • Food and Water Dishes
  • Scratching Outlet (Post or Toy)
  • Collar with ID Tag

Bringing home a new puppy or kitten this Christmas can be an exciting experience for everyone involved! However, it’s important to remember that there is more to owning a pet than just playing with them every day; there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration beforehand in order to ensure both yours and their wellbeing in the long run. With proper preparation and research, you will have everything ready for when they arrive—and hopefully many years of happy memories together beyond that! Remember if you have any questions about becoming a pet owner or you are currently and need some guidance, feel free to visit us at Braxton's Animal Works and we can help. Or you can email us questions at