Companion animals are the unsung heroes of the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you are a pet owner, you are already aware of the health benefits pets can provide:

  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Decreased cholesterol levels
  • Decreased triglyceride levels
  • Decreased feelings of loneliness
  • Increased opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities
  • Increased opportunities for socialization

But during these unprecedented times, you may not realize that they are providing even more for your well-being. Studies have shown that having a pet in the home helps lower stress levels.

Dogs require a schedule. Since routines help to keep your mind and body healthy, your dog is actually saving you from stress and depression. Aside from the routine, dogs are great companions. They help to ward off loneliness and reduce the need for human socialization during this time of social distancing.

Cats are less needy than dogs, but they also provide stress relief. Nothing is better than curling up on the couch with a kitty on your lap when things are overwhelming. They too can offer socialization while social distancing.

So take advantage of this time at home and enjoy your companion animal. He just might be the reason you are handling this situation so well.

Braxton's, as your local pet grocery store, has been deemed an essential business and we are continuing to receive food and supplies every weekday to help keep your cupboards stocked.

Please be patient as we navigate any supply issues that may arise.

Please remember: Call Ahead/Curbside Pickup or Home Delivery Only. Please give us a day to pull and process your order.

Phone: 610-688-0769 or Email:

Hours: Monday - Saturday from 10am - 5pm, Closed Sundays.