April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month and Braxton's is reminding its loyal customers to take this opportunity to brush up on first aid tips to keep your animals safe and healthy as we head into the warmer months. The American Red Cross suggests that you review the following tips so that you can care for your pet should an emergency occur.

Pet First Aid Tips

*To determine if your cat or dog is dehydrated, pull up on the skin between the shoulder blades. It should spring right back; if it stays tented this is a sign of dehydration.

*Signs of pet poisoning include bleeding externally or internally, dilated pupils, drooling or foaming at the mouth, seizures or other abnormal mental state or behavior.

*If your pet has a seizure, make sure it is in a safe place, but do not restrain the animal. Keep your hands away from its mouth as your pet may not know who you are during a seizure and could bite you.

*Signs of heat stroke or heat exhaustion include collapse; body temperature of 104 degrees F or above; bloody diarrhea or vomiting; wobbliness; excessive panting or difficulty breathing; increase heart rate; mucous membranes very red; and increased salivation.

*Pets bitten by other animals need vet attention to prevent the wound (even if minor) from becoming infected and to check for internal wounds. Never break up a dogfight yourself because you could be bitten.

*If your pet is bleeding, apply direct pressure using gauze over the bleeding site. If blood soaks through, apply more gauze (do not removed soaked gauze) until you can reach a veterinary hospital.

For those techno savvy pet owners, The American Red Cross offers a Pet First Aid App that can help dog and cat owners provide emergency care until veterinary help is available. Through the app, owners have access to step-by-step instructions, videos, and images for more than 25 common first aid emergencies. Check out the Top 5 Features of the Red Cross Pet First Aid App by clicking here.

The Pet First Aid App can be found in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for Android by searching for American Red Cross or by going to http://www.redcross.org/mobile-apps/pet-first-aid-app

Take this time to learn how to protect your pet and keep them healthy.

Upcoming Events:

Mark your calendars and plan to visit Braxton’s as they host local rescue organizations in May. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet some of the wonderful pets available for adoption. For more information on any of the meet and greet events, click here.