A couple of months ago I wrote a blog about dry, flaky skin. I suggested a homemade recipe to help relieve dry skin in your dogs.  One of Braxton's loyal customers, Patty P., contacted us with a homemade suggestion of her own. Patty recommends placing a cup of regular oatmeal flakes in a nylon knee high. After knotting the stocking, drop it in the bath water so it releases the moisturizing and soothing colloidal parts of the oatmeal and the flakes stay in the knotted stocking. In addition to using her dog's mild bath soap, she squeezes the oatmeal soaked stocking over her dog. Patty believes that this remedy has helped to decrease her dog's winter itch. For variations of this recipe and other homemade remedies click here.

Although cats have dry skin issues too, the treatment is quite different. Cats produce natural oils which protect their skin from dryness. Here are 5 easy tips to alleviate your cat's dry skin.

1. Comb: The best thing you could do is comb your cat's hair often to remove dander and loose hair.

2. Bathe: Don't bathe your cat unless you need to clean the hair coat of grease, oil, or dirt. Remember cats give themselves baths everyday.

3. Rinse: Use a conditioning rinse after your cat's bath. Don't use oils and lotions that are designed for people; they will gum up in the cat's hair and attract a lot of dirt.

4. Food: Feed quality, name brand foods to provide adequate nutrition for glossy, healthy hair.

5. Supplements: Consider increasing fatty acids and vitamins in your cats diet through supplements.

Remember that when winter comes and we turn on the heat, our skin as well as our pet's becomes dry. Take precautions so that you and your pet can enjoy healthy and supple skin all year long.