As dog owners  we try to keep our pets on a canine diet, but every once in a while, we may slip them people food. Dogs love peanut butter and we love seeing the funny faces they make when they eat it. Did you know that not all peanut butter is created equally?  It is important to know if your peanut butter contains this potentially deadly ingredient.

Xylitol, a sweetener used in many foods, including peanut butter, yogurt, toothpaste and chewing gum, is safe for humans but potentially deadly for dogs. If ingested, it can cause seizures, liver failure and death, according to VCA animal hospitals.

Most peanut butters are sweetener free; however, it is used in low-calorie peanut butters as an alternative to sugar which means that dog owners need to be vigilant about reading labels. Peanut butter brands that contain xylitol include Go Nuts, Co., Krush Nutrition, Nuts 'N More and P28 Foods.

Symptoms of xylitol poisoning in dogs include vomiting, muscle weakness, difficulty walking and tremors — and they usually begin within 15-30 minutes of consumption. Anyone who suspects their dog may have accidentally eaten something containing xylitol should contact a veterinarian or call the Pet Poison Helpline.

Choose raw, unsalted peanut butter. NOTE: Be absolutely sure that you're not using sugar-free or "lite" peanut butter that has artificial sweeteners, particularly xylitol, as these substances are incredibly toxic to dogs.
