To my human, on this Mother's Day so sweet,
Your love and care, no one could ever beat.
From morning feeds at the break of dawn,
To playful games on the freshly mown lawn.

We search for socks, hidden here and there,
In our little game of hide-and-seek, extraordinaire.
Those long walks, just you and I,
Beneath the vast, expansive sky.

Every time you cook, things might slip,
But I’m right there, ensuring nothing will trip.
I clean up crumbs from the floor with glee,
All to show how much you mean to me.

But above all else, the love you give,
Teaches me the best way to live.
Unconditional, pure, without any bounds—
In your warm embrace, true happiness is found.

So here's a bark, a purr, a wag, to say,
I cherish you more with each passing day.
Happy Mother's Day, from paws to heart,
With you forever, never to part.