It's November, which means it's time to start thinking about the holidays! It is a very busy time of year for travel. And if you're like most pet parents, you don't want to leave your furry friend behind. Luckily, more hotels and vacation rentals are opening their doors (and patios) to pets than ever before. But before you hit the road with Rover, there are a few things you'll need to do to make sure the trip goes smoothly for everyone involved.

Choose the right lodging

Just because a hotel or rental property says it's pet-friendly doesn't mean it's going to be a good fit for your four-legged friend. When booking your accommodations, be sure to read the pet policy carefully so you know what to expect in terms of size restrictions, noise levels, and designated areas for walking and relief. And always call ahead to confirm that your reservation includes your pet. Nothing ruins a vacation like being told at the last minute that Fido isn't welcome.

Stock up on supplies

Don't forget the essentials like food, water, bowls, a leash, toys, waste bags, and ID tags. You'll also want to pack any medications or supplements your pet is taking, as well as copies of their medical records in case of an emergency. If you're traveling by plane, be sure to check the airline's regulations regarding carry-on pets well in advance so you can plan accordingly.

Flight plans

Pets and plane rides don't always mix. If you're planning on flying with your pet, make sure to book a direct flight if possible. This will minimize the amount of time your pet has to spend in the airport and on the plane. If a direct flight isn't possible, try to book a flight with a short layover. This way, you won't have to worry about your pet being in the airport or on the plane for too long.

Create a solid game plan

It's important to have a clear idea of what you'll be doing each day of your trip so you can make sure your pet will be comfortable and entertained. If there are any activities planned that aren't pet-friendly (Like visiting Santa at the mall), make arrangements for someone to watch your furry friend while you're gone or find an alternate activity that everyone can enjoy together.

Calming remedies

If your pet is stressed traveling or being in a new environment, test out some calming remedies before you travel. CBD is a growing area in the pet industry, and it affects all dogs differently. Testing products to see which ones work best for your dog can take time, so we suggest give yourself a few weeks to try out different products.

Traveling with your pet doesn't have to be stressful. Just make sure to book a direct flight if possible, slowly introduce them to any new environments, and make sure you have everything you need for them before you leave. With these tips in mind, you and your furry friend can enjoy a stress-free holiday season together.