Many dog owners, even really good owners, overlook their pup's oral hygiene.

Most of us are diligent about taking our pets to the vet for regular checkups, feeding them high-quality food, and ensuring that they receive plenty of exercise, but when it comes to oral health some of us drop the ball.

Recently, a friend of mine who owns several dogs was surprised to learn that her schnauzer, Deiter, needed to have 19 teeth extracted. Deiter was at the vet for a presurgery checkup when my friend learned that he had a severe bacterial infection affecting many teeth and the surrounding gums. This is not an uncommon occurrence. Veterinarians report that an estimated 85% of dogs over the age of 4 are suffering from some form of periodontal disease. Not only is this condition painful, but it can also lead to tooth loss and infection. Unfortunately, some dog breeds are more prone to oral hygiene problems.

The good news is that all of these problems can be prevented with regular dental cleanings and professional checkups.

Like regular exercise and grooming, dental care should be something that your dog comes to expect each day. It is important to realize that your dog will most likely have to warm up to the idea of you poking around in his mouth. Remember, patience and persistence are essential when cleaning your pup's teeth. Although it may be difficult, you and your pup will happy with the results.

As for my friend's pup, Deiter, I am happy to report that he is doing well. He was able to have the surgery and all signs of infection are gone.

If you are interested in dental health products, consult any one of Braxton's knowledgeable staff.