When you’re choosing that adorable, little puppy to join your family, I bet you’re not thinking about the task of cleaning up the poop. This week ABC news reported that a  New Jersey condominium complex is using DNA to locate and fine dog owners who don’t scoop poop. Is this just a case of Americans being fussy, or is there something more to it?

According to a 2010 survey conducted by Consumer Reports, dog waste ranked No. 6 on the list of  America’s Top Gripes and the Environmental Protection Agency lists pet waste as one of its top water pollution concerns. Being a responsible, eco-friendly pet owner means picking up after your dog because it helps protect human and animal health as well as the environment.

Reasons to Pick Up

  • Disease Control: There are several common diseases that can be transmitted to dogs, cats, and people through feces. These include giardia, roundworms, salmonella, and Ecoli. In addition, your dog can spread or contract parvovirus or coronavirus through infected feces. One of the easiest ways to protect your family is to install an in-ground waste disposal system like the Doggie Dooley. These mini septic systems break down waste using environmentally-friendly enzymes and bacteria that turn dog waste into a ground-absorbed liquid.

  • Make Your Yard More Useable: Nobody likes to walk through a yard that is hiding doggie land mines. If you and your children are afraid  to use your yard because of the dog, then you are wasting one of your biggest time and financial investments. Scooping your yard with a shovel or grabber pet waste scooper (available at Braxton’s) will only take a few minutes and will make your yard a place for all to enjoy.

  • Fly Control: Flies will consume and lay eggs in feces. These same flies can spread disease to your home and food. Cleaning up feces can prevent this problem.

  • Responsible Pet Ownership: As a pet owner, you have a responsibility to clean up after your pet every time they go to the bathroom. No exceptions. No matter where you walk, be sure to pick up.

  • Preventing Stool Eating: While most dog owners don’t think this applies to them, the shocking truth is that most dogs will engage in this unsavory practice at some point in their life. To prevent this occasional indiscretion from becoming a life-long habit, clean up feces as soon as possible – especially in young dogs where the problem is most prevalent.

So be a good neighbor, responsible pet owner, and environmentally conscious person and pick up after your dog every time. For more information about this topic, click here.