Today, October 9, 2103 the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention will celebrate National Pet Obesity Awareness Day.

The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) is an organization dedicated to fighting the epidemic of  pet obesity. They work within the veterinary medical community, veterinary schools, and state and local veterinary organizations and have reached out to various media outlets. They are made up of dedicated veterinarians and veterinary healthcare personnel who are committed to making the lives of dogs, cats, all other animals and people healthier and more vital.

APOP is not affiliated with any veterinary industry corporation or business in any manner. This neutrality is critical to their ability to provide unbiased information and advice to veterinary healthcare providers and the pet-loving public.

APOP was founded in 2005 by veterinarian, Dr. Ernie Ward a competitive Ironman triathlete, certified personal trainer, and accredited USA Triathlon coach. A key component of APOP’s mission is to develop and promote parallel weight loss programs designed to help pet owners lose weight alongside their pets.

National Pet Obesity Awareness Day 2013As part of this awareness campaign, APOP is asking for the pet loving public’s help in conducting their Seventh Annual Pet Obesity Awareness Survey. The APOP is asking veterinarians and pet owners alike to take 1-2 minutes to record vital information about your pets and submit the information to the organization. Their goal is to determine more accurately the exact number of pets in the United States that are overweight or obese.

If you are interested, simply click here to follow the link to complete the form. This study is independent of any and all corporate sponsorships or involvements. It is important that this study remain neutral to protect the integrity and interpretation of results. Check out their home page too as it has a number of weight loss tools and suggestions. Check out the pet to human weight translator by clicking here; it is pretty cool.

If you have questions about your pet’s food, don’t hesitate to ask the knowledgeable staff at Braxton’s Animal Works.