Photo: Missy M.

February is designated as National Cat Health Month, and it’s a perfect time for pet owners to focus on the health of their feline friends. Below are some tips to ensure that your furry friend stays in tip-top shape.

Schedule Your Cat’s Annual Checkup

There are many ways to celebrate your love, and one way to show your kitty companion how much you care is by scheduling a visit to your vet to mark their special day. The yearly checkup allows your veternarian to catch any potential issues early, ensuring your pet stays in the best of health.

Update Vaccinations

During the annual exam, your veterinarian will review any necessary vaccinations to prevent your cat from contracting serious illnesses if exposed to other animals. Even indoor cats need the protection against disease.

Spay or Neuter Your Cat

If you haven’t already done so, now’s a good time to spay or neuter your cat. Along with ensuring population control, you will help prevent many potential illnesses or conditions related to the reproductive organs, and will also eliminate many unwanted behaviors.

Keep Your Cat’s Teeth Healthy

Tagging along with Dental Health month, your feline’s regular teeth cleanings and exams are an essential component of their overall health. If not cared for, your cat may end up losing teeth, which can interfere with eating. Their teeth may also develop infections that can lead to many different health issues.

Feed Your Pet a High-Quality Diet

To stay healthy, your cat needs a high-quality complete and balanced diet specifically formulated for felines. Make sure the food meets the nutritional requirements of your furry friend’s age and lifestyle. If you have nutrition questions, please ask one of our knowledgeable crew members.

Keep Your Kitty Active

Keep your cat active to avoid obesity which can lead to many health issues including diabetes. Cats love to play, and it’s an enjoyable way to bond with your furry friend. An interactive feeder, engaging toys, or even a feline companion will keep your cat moving. Braxton's offers a variety of cat products to keep your cat engaged.

Pay Attention to the Litterbox

One of the first places to look for early signs of illness is the litterbox. Look out for any changes in your cat’s litter habits. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, make sure to schedule a visit with your veterinarian.

Celebrate Your Furry Friends

Celebrate your furry friends by spending time cuddling because cats really do crave attention, contrary to popular belief.