The close of August signifies the unofficial end of summer especially for college students.  As we prepare to send our children off to school again, it is not just us who will feel the affects of the empty nest; our pets will experience these emotions too.

This week I moved my daughter back to school and next week I will do the same with my son.  These moves evoke feelings of excitement and sadness.  Sure I will have fewer responsibilities and a considerably smaller food bill, but I will also have a very quiet house. We are not alone on this emotional roller coaster.

Our pets are smart and are aware of what is going on in their environment. “Your dog probably knows the difference between the shoes you wear to work and the shoes you wear to take him for a walk,” says Dr. Debra Horwitz, a board certified veterinary behaviorist. “They’re very observant and they use those kinds of cues to determine what’s going to happen in their day.  One of Braxton's loyal customers, Cathy W. from Devon says, "Every year when my son begins to pack for college, our poodle, Jinks, becomes really sad.  He follows him around and sleeps in his room." Just as we have to learn to cope with change so do our pets.

Here are a few tips to ease the transition to a quieter home:

  • Wake earlier to walk or play with your pet as this stimulates them so that they will spend more time sleeping while you are away.

  • Leave for short periods of time on a regular basis.

Try these preventative measures to help your pet adjust to a newly quiet home.  And don't forget to check out Braxton's Animal Works for more advice on this topic or to find that special food-enhanced toy.  Stay tuned next week for tips on adopting a new animal to ease your "empty nest".