[caption id="attachment_47937" align="alignleft" width="200"] Image: Camel City Dispatch[/caption]

As we gather to celebrate the holidays, it is important to remember the safety of our furry friends. Although they want to be a part of the fun, some of the special people treats are actually harmful to our pets. To ensure your pet's safety this holiday season, be sure he avoids the following items:

Turkey: Turkey skin, drippings, gravy, or stuffing can contribute to pancreatitis, and the turkey skin often contains seasonings that can upset your pet's stomach. Bones can cause inflammation, stomach obstruction, or esophageal punctures.

Ham: The higher salt content of most hams can cause digestive, heart, and neurological problems.

Stuffing: Stuffing absorbs fat and often contains onions, raisins, or currants which are toxic to pets.

Chocolate: Chocolate is toxic for pets. It only takes a little bit to cause big problems to your pet's heart and digestive systems.

Trash: Dispose of trash quickly. Pets will often want to explore the trash and many of the items contained inside are harmful.

Alcohol: Be sure to empty alcohol glasses. Even a small amount can cause damage in some pets.

If you want to celebrate Thanksgiving with your pet, consider a special Thanksgiving  dinner by Merrick like, "Turducken," "Grammy's Pot Pie," or "Thanksgiving Day Dinner." Find these and other delicious treats at Braxton's Animal Works. Want to make something homemade for your pet, check out these special Thanksgiving recipes for dogs and cats by clicking here.

Braxton's Animal Works wishes you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.

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Upcoming Events:

Pooch Smooch Photography will be at Braxton's on Saturday, December 7th from 1-4.

Rescue Animal Placements will be at Braxton's on Saturday, December 7th  from 11-4. For more info, click here.

Delco SPCA will be at Braxton's on Sunday, December 8th from 12-3. For more info., click here.

To see more of the upcoming events at Braxton's Animal Works, click here.