K9 Veterans are dogs that have served and sacrificed for our country in various capacities. In order to honor these heroes, Joe White, a Vietnam Vet and dog trainer, founded a movement to nationally adopt March 13th as K9 Veterans Day. To date, New Jersey, Florida, and Tennessee have recognized the day; however, there is still a push to make it a national celebration.

[caption id="attachment_48099" align="alignleft" width="298"] Image: https://www.facebook.com/dogsarevets[/caption]

March 13, 1942 is the official birthday of the United States K9 Corps, and so what better day to celebrate these four-legged heroes.

According to k9veteransday.org, dogs were in the trenches of France in WW I, the slopes of Iwo Jima in WW II, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and continue to serve when called for duty. These dogs sacrifice themselves in order to save American lives and deserve to be remembered. To learn more about this non-profit movement, click here.

Locally, Stoney Creek Veterinary Hospital is honoring service dogs from all organizations in the Philadelphia area on March 29th. A ceremony to honor fallen heroes and current working dogs will be held at noon. For details about this event, click here. 

Another group, Pennsylvanians Please Support an annual K9 Veterans Day on March 13, will hold events to raise awareness for this cause. Click here for more information.

If you are interested in helping this movement you could:

- Attend ceremonies and bring a two-legged or four-legged friend.

- Contact your local senator and ask him/her to support this as a national holiday.

- Help spread the word about this great cause via Internet and word of mouth.

- Donate to a local dog rescue or shelter - remember many working dogs include mixed breeds.

- Look into adopting a retired working dog.

- Research the possibility of training a working dog puppy.

Upcoming Events:

Mark your calendars and plan to visit Braxton’s as they host local rescue organizations in February. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet some of the wonderful pets available for adoption. For more information on any of the following events, click here.

March 15: Animal Rescue Foundation 9-3.

March 23: Francisvale Home for Small Animals 1-3.

March 30: Pooch Smooch Photography 11-4. (Call for appointment 610-349-9200)