June is National Dairy Month, a time when we can celebrate with our families and enjoy ice cream, milk, or any of the many other delicious products that dairy farmers have to offer. But it is also a good time to reflect on just how important a role the dairy industry plays in our state’s economy.

According to the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, Agriculture is Pennsylvania’s #1 industry and the dairy industry produces over 40 percent of the Commonwealth’s agricultural receipts. Additionally, the dairy industry creates more than 40,000 jobs throughout the state. The latest statistics actually show that there is approximately one dairy cow for every 23 Pennsylvanians. That's a lot of cows.

Studies show the average dairy farm spends around 85 percent of its income locally, strengthening its communities and surrounding areas. Over $7 billion dollars annually are generated into the state’s economy from dairy production and associated businesses.

So as you enjoy an ice cream cone or milkshake during National Dairy Month, please take the time to reflect on the dairy industry and its importance to the state’s economy. Better yet, take time and thank a dairy farmer yourself for all the hard work they do for us!


