Lucky for us, the weather has been quite balmy recently, but did you know that January is "Walk Your Dog Month?"

Typically, most of us would rather hibernate for the winter and wait for spring to arrive. Well, no matter how we might feel, our four-legged friends need consistent exercise, no matter what the thermometer reads.

Daily activity provides a variety of health benefits for your pet including behavioral and joint issues.

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), more than 45% of dogs can be classified as overweight or obese. With extra weight to bear, an obese dog may be at risk for conditions related to its heart, kidneys, GI tract, and joints to name a few.

Fortunately, regular walks and exercise can help control weight, limit the risk of obesity, and prevent digestive issues like constipation. Along with a healthy diet and joint supplements, regular exercise will help keep your dog happy and healthy for many years to come!

Walking your dog can release some of that extra energy which makes him less likely to beg for attention and destroy your house. You’ll soon discover that exercise is a great way to curb unruly behavior and help your dog sleep better!

So, are you ready to kick off “Walk Your Dog Month”? Then, bundle up and get moving today. Your pup will thank you later!