Heat Alert! In this hot weather it's important to take special care of your pets and keep them cool. One easy way to keep dogs cool is a Swamp Cooler Cooling Vest. It keeps your dog frisky even on the hottest day by the simple process of evaporation. Just soak the vest in cold water, wring out excess then put it on your dog. Your dog's body heat exchanges with the coolness of the water in the vest and keeps your dog cool, comfortable and active like a perfect spring day.

The Swamp Cooler is easy to put on and take off and to soak throughout the day when you're spending a lot of time out in nature. Here's an explanation of how the Swamp Cooler works.

And consider other pet supplies that can help keep your pet cool. One that's most important is a water bottle. There are ones that flip into a bowl for easy slurping.

Don't forget to consider toys that can mentally occupy your pet and compensate for the lack of outdoor exercise.

*And always remember never leave your pet in the car. It can heat up in minutes to a dangerous temperature!

So this summer keep your dog cool by visiting Braxton's. Make sure you bring your pet along with you so we can help fit him/her with just the right vest to keep them a cool dog no matter what the temperature is.