Featured Brand: The Bones & Co. 

As we wrap up Rawgust, it’s important to note that even if you’re not ready to switch entirely to a raw diet, incorporating just 25% raw food into your pet’s regular meals can significantly improve their health. This week, we’ll discuss the benefits of partial raw feeding, how to introduce fresh raw foods to your pet, and highlight our featured brand, The Bones & Co. 

Benefits of Adding Raw Food to Your Pet's Diet

Incorporating at least 25% raw food into your pet’s regular diet can have a noticeable impact on their health. Even a partial raw diet can offer many of the benefits of a full raw diet, such as improved digestion, healthier skin and coat, and increased vitality. 


  • Better Skin and Coat: Raw diets contribute to a healthier, shinier coat and improved skin health due to the high-quality fats and oils found in raw food.
  • Increased Vitality: Pets on raw diets often exhibit increased energy and vitality, reflecting the benefits of high-quality, natural nutrition.
  • Enhanced Digestion: Raw diets promote better digestion and nutrient absorption, reducing issues such as gas and bloating.

Introducing Fresh Raw Foods into Your Pet’s Diet

If you’re new to raw feeding, starting with fresh fruits and vegetables is a great way to test how your pet responds to raw foods. These foods can be easily added to their regular meals. 

Safe Fresh Raw Foods for Pets: 

  • Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins C and K, blueberries are a great treat for both dogs and cats.
  • Carrots: Low in calories and high in fiber and vitamin A, carrots can be served raw as a crunchy snack or grated into meals.
  • Apples: Rich in vitamins A and C, apples are a sweet, hydrating treat. Be sure to remove the seeds and core before serving.
  • Pumpkin: High in fiber and beneficial for digestive health, raw pumpkin can be added in small amounts to your pet’s diet.
  • Cucumbers: Low in calories and hydrating, cucumbers make a refreshing snack for pets on a hot day.

Testing Pet-Safe Raw Food

Once you’ve successfully introduced fresh raw fruits and vegetables, you might consider trying pet-safe raw foods like meats and specially formulated raw pet foods. 

Pet-Safe Raw Foods to Try: 

  • Chicken or Turkey: Lean, protein-rich meats like chicken or turkey can be served raw in small, supervised portions to gauge your pet’s reaction.
  • Raw Eggs: A great source of protein and healthy fats, raw eggs can be mixed into your pet’s regular food.
  • The Bones & Co. Raw Meals: Specifically formulated for pets, these balanced meals offer complete nutrition, combining raw meats, organs, and vegetables.

Brand of the Week: The Bones & Co.

The Bones & Co. offers premium raw pet food made with high-quality, locally sourced ingredients. Their products are designed to provide optimal nutrition for pets, whether you’re feeding a full raw diet or incorporating raw into your pet’s existing diet. 


  • Nutrient-Dense Recipes: Featuring a variety of proteins and high-quality ingredients.
  • Locally Sourced: Ingredients are sourced from local farms and businesses, ensuring freshness and sustainability.
  • Balanced Nutrition: Designed to support overall health and wellness for both dogs and cats.

Myths About Raw Pet Food:

  1. Myth: Raw food is difficult to transition to.
    Truth: With the right approach, transitioning to raw food can be smooth and easy. The Bones & Co. offers guidance on how to make the switch gradually and effectively.
  2. Myth: Raw diets are incomplete and unsafe.
    Truth: When properly formulated, raw diets like those from The Bones & Co. provide complete and balanced nutrition, ensuring your pet gets all the essential nutrients they need.

Visit Braxton’s this week for a free sample of The Bones & Co. raw food and learn how adding raw food to your pet’s diet can transform their health! 

Thank you for joining us for Rawgust! We’re here to help you find the best nutrition for your pet, whether you’re exploring raw feeding for the first time or looking to expand your pet’s diet. Follow us on social media for more pet care tips, special offers, and updates. See you at Braxton’s!