Jacksonville Humane Society

National Pet Preparedness Month

June has been designated as National Pet Preparedness Month to coincide with the first month of hurricane season. It was established to urge people with pets to make preparations in case they should be hit by a disaster.

The American Humane Association wants all pet owners to be as prepared as possible in case of an emergency. According to the American Pet Products Association National Pet Owners Survey, the majority of owners stated that they would take their pets with them in the event of a disaster.

Having a pet preparedness kit ready to go is one of the best ways to be sure that you and your pets can evacuate safely. Take time now so that you can move quickly if need be.

Be sure to have a disaster kit packed and ready in case you would need it. Each kit should include:

10 Items to Include in a Pet Preparedness Kit

1. Food (your pet’s regular food)
2. Water
3. Leash and collar
4. Bowl
5. Photo of your pet/ID and a photo of you with your pet
6. Medications your pet needs
7. Immunization/vet records (keep both updated)
8. Pet carrier
9. First Aid Kit
10. Contact list of pet-friendly hotels, vets, Red Cross, Humane League, and out of town family/friends. For more information click here.

If you live in an area that is frequently hit by hurricanes, you should also have an emergency kit for the human members of the family.

The emergency kit should include: batteries, duct tape, flashlight, radio, multi-tool, tarp, rope, permanent marker, spray paint, baby wipes, protective clothing and footwear, extra cash, rescue whistle, important phone numbers, extra medication and copies of medical and insurance information.

It is not just hurricanes that require an absence from your home. No matter what the emergency, being prepared is the best thing you can do for yourself and your pets. So take this time in June to prepare emergency kits for you and your pets.