Winter is a season filled with joy and love, but it is not just the humans that need to take care of themselves during this season; our pets need extra care too! The winter months can be harsh for our furry little friends, especially when it comes to their skin. Dry, itchy skin is a common occurrence during this time of the year, and it can be a source of discomfort for your pets. The cold weather combined with their winter coat growing in can make their skin exceptionally itchy. So, how can you keep your pet's skin healthy during the winter months? Let's dive in.

De-shedding brushes

One of the easiest solutions to remove your pet's old coat and help reduce itchiness is to use a de-shedding brush. A de-shedding brush removes the pet's loose undercoat without damaging the topcoat. This way, a new and fresh coat can take its place and give your pet adequate protection against the cold winter. In addition to keeping your pet's coat healthy and shiny, it also reduces shedding. Less shedding equals less dust and less allergic reactions in the home. So, grab a de-shedding brush, and give your pets a more comfortable winter season.

Regular baths

Bathing your pet regularly is an essential part of pet care and helps keep their skin and coat healthy. However, even during winter, you mustn't overdo their bathing, which can dry out their skin further. Bathing once a month should be enough. And remember! Always use pet-friendly hydrating shampoo that includes ingredients like oatmeal, vitamin E, Aloe Vera, and chamomile. Skout's Honor shampoo is an excellent option which is gentle on your pet's skin and keeps them smelling good.

Fish treats and fish oil

Fish treats and fish oil are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which help keep your pet's coat healthy and shiny. The oil also helps with dry, itchy skin. An excellent option for fish oil is Grizzly's Fish Oil product and Honest Kitchen pet foods. Not only packed with essential nutrients, they also help maintain bones, joints, and cardiovascular health. In addition, Icelandic+, and Ndependents fish treats are perfect for pampering your pets while keeping their skin healthy.

High Omega 3 and 6 Foods

Our pets need a well-rounded diet just like we do. During winter, feeding them food rich in omega-3 and 6 such as meat, fish, and poultry can go a long way in keeping their skin healthy. Pet food brands that contain fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, arctic char, trout, whitefish, flaxseed and whole eggs will have higher doses of these important Omega Fatty Acids. If you have a more customized dog diet, then adding fish and omega-3 rich supplements can improve skin health.


Hydrating your pet is essential during the dry winter months. Make sure they have plenty of fresh, clean water available to drink. You can also add chicken or beef bone broth to their food. Bone broth is packed with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that help keep pets healthy and hydrated. Most dogs should drink about 1 ounce of water for every pound that they weigh, every day. For a 10-pound dog, approximately two-thirds of a 16oz bottle of water is needed daily. On the contrary, cats require about 3.5 to 4.5 ounces of water per 5 pounds of body weight every day. Therefore, a 10-pound cat should consume around half a bottle of water daily, equivalent to 7-9 ounces.

By following the tips mentioned above, you can ensure that your furry little friends will have a comfortable and happy winter season. Regular baths, de-shedding brushes, fish treats, and high omega 3 and 6 foods are some of the great ways to keep your pet's skin healthy during the dry and cold winter months. Making these small adjustments to your pet's routine can help prevent dry, itchy skin, and other related health issues. By taking care of the little things, you give your pets the love and care they deserve. Happy winter season!