Nobody want's to be the parent with the unruly child in public. AND nobody want's to be the pet parent with the unruly dog! Being responsible for your pet's behavior is an important part of being a pet owner. It’s essential that you understand the responsibility that comes with having a pet, and that you know how to properly care for them while in public. Here are some tips on how to be a good pet owner in public places.

Teach your dog proper greetings

When it comes to making sure you and your pup are being respectful and creating a secure, amiable environment, teaching proper dog greeting manners is essential. Your furry friend should never jump on someone or nip at them; similarly they shouldn't demonstrate any hostile behavior when interacting with other canines. Make sure that before your pup even attempts to say "hi", they sit patiently until invited for petting by humans. Additionally, if any aggression arises while in the presence of another pooch, put an immediate stop to it!

Don’t tolerate bad behavior

When it comes to your furry friend, think of them like children: if they learn bad behaviors will go unpunished, you can expect more of the same. As a responsible pet parent, it is important to always nip undesirable behavior in the bud and correct your dog immediately—they won’t connect their actions with after-the-fact discipline. Likewise, removing dogs from situations that may trigger aggressive or disruptive outbursts (for example large gatherings) not only creates a safer space for all involved but also teaches pups good manners and etiquette when interacting with people and other animals alike.

Introducing Your Pet to Others Properly

One of the most important things to remember as a pet owner is that not everyone loves animals as much as you do. When meeting someone new or encountering another person in public with their dog, it’s imperative that you properly introduce your pet and check to make sure it’s okay if your dog meets theirs. You should always ask permission first before allowing your dog to greet someone else's. If permission is granted, then be sure to hold onto the leash securely so that your dog does not become overly excited or aggressive towards the other animal. Warning signs include stiffness in the body; standing tall; ears pricked hard forward; growling; hard direct eye contact; stiffly raised, fast-wagging tails; lunging on the leash; and aggressive barking.

Not Letting Your Pet Relieve Themselves Anywhere They Please

As a responsible pet owner, it’s essential to make sure your pup does not relieve themselves wherever they please in public places. Not only is this unsanitary and unpleasant for those around you, but it can also lead to hefty fines if caught by local law enforcement. So make sure you clean up after your pup whenever they go in public places, and keep an eye out for signs informing you of where they are allowed — or not allowed —to go potty.

The Importance of Having Your Pet on Leash

It’s also important that when walking your pup in public areas, they remain on a leash at all times unless otherwise specified by local laws and regulations. This ensures that they don’t wander off or run away into traffic or any other dangerous situation, plus it keeps them from disturbing other people walking around the area who may not appreciate their presence as much as you do! Even if an area seems safe and secure for pets off-leash playtime, it’s still important to adhere strictly to leash laws in order to maintain safety for yourself and others around you at all times. We encourage all of our patrons at Braxton's to maintain leash control of their pet's, because you never know if other dogs are comfortable with other people or animals. We pride ourselves in keeping Braxton's a safe space to bring your pet's and properly socialize them in public spaces.

Being responsible for your pet's behavior when out and about is an important part of being a good pet parent. It takes patience, dedication, and understanding if something goes wrong - but following these simple tips can help make sure both yourself and your four-legged friend have a pleasant time out together! Always remember; take extra precautions such as introducing pets properly before letting them meet one another, always pick up waste when out in public spaces, and keep pets on leashes at all times unless otherwise specified - these steps will ensure both yourself and those around you remain safe!