As we get ready to celebrate the holidays this season, be sure to take precautions so that your four-legged family members are safe. Try to keep your pet’s eating and exercise habits as close to their normal routine as possible; this stability helps your pet to feel safe and secure. Following these common sense tips can ensure a happy holiday season for all.

Christmas Trees: Be sure that your tree is well anchored so that it can’t be pulled down by a cat or dog and consider placing a pet barrier or child’s playpen around the tree. This will also prevent the tree water from spilling; stagnant tree water is a breeding ground for bacteria and your pet could end up with nausea or diarrhea should he imbibe. Very important: do not put aspirin in the water because if a pet ingests the aspirin-laced water, his health or even life can be at risk. It is important to prevent your pet from chewing on a live or artificial tree as the needles are sharp and can irritate the mouth and digestive tract if eaten.

Tinsel & Ornaments: Kittens especially love shiny tinsel and ornaments. Tinsel is dangerous because it can obstruct a digestive tract if swallowed. Pets will often play with ornaments and as glass breaks easily, severe cuts and injuries to the mouth, esophagus and paw pads may occur. If glass ornaments are a must, then place them high on the tree where your pet cannot reach them.

Holiday Lights: Hang holiday lights out of reach of curious animals. Some lights can overheat and burn pets. Other inquisitive pets can pull the lights off the tree and become entangled in the wires. Chewing on wires can cause problems ranging from burned mouths to death by electrocution. Make sure to place ALL wires out of reach. Always check for fraying cords and replace immediately.

Toxic Holiday Plants: Although Holly, Mistletoe, and Poinsettias are attractive at the holidays, ingesting them can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Consider decorating with artificial plants.

Taking precautions with pets during these festive times can help ensure that you and your family will enjoy a happy, healthy holiday season!