As we welcome the New Year, Braxton's Animal Works would like to take a moment to thank our customers for their continued support. For over 85 years, we have taken pride in being a part of the community and providing superior pet products and services. We look forward to continuing to serve you and your furry companions in the future. With the start of the New Year, it's time to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. As pet owners, it's essential to include your four-legged friends in your resolutions. In this blog post, we'll provide you with 15 resolutions that are pet-friendly, that will benefit both you and your furry friends.

  1. Regular exercise: Set a goal to increase your daily walks with your pet. Outdoor exercise is vital for both you and your pet's physical and mental health.
  2. Keep your pet's vaccinations up to date: Make an appointment with your veterinarian to ensure your pet receives regular check-ups and vaccinations.
  3. Proper Nutrition: Make a resolution to feed your pet a healthy and balanced diet. Consult with your veterinarian to ensure your pet is getting the appropriate nutrients.
  4. Schedule regular grooming: Schedule regular grooming appointments or come into Braxton's for a Self-Service dog wash to ensure your pet's coat, teeth, and nails are well maintained.
  5. Spend time with your pet: Dedicate at least an hour a day to playing and spending quality time with your pet.
  6. Leash Training: Train your pet to walk politely on a leash, making your walks together more enjoyable.
  7. Obedience Training: Enroll your pet in obedience classes to teach basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel. Obedience training will strengthen the bond between you and your pet.
  8. Reduce stress: Create a safe and comfortable environment for your pet by providing them with a cozy bed, toys, and a quiet space to relax.
  9. Make time for Dental Care: Regularly clean your pet's teeth to prevent oral health issues.
  10. Encourage mental stimulation: Provide your pet with interactive toys, games, and puzzles to keep their minds stimulated.
  11. Socialization: Socialize your pet with other pets and people to prevent fear and aggression issues. Remember socializing does not have to be meet and greets with other dogs. Socializing can be getting them out into spaces where the smell of other dogs are or just having them in the same room as other dogs on lead.
  12. Regular Checkups: Book regular veterinary appointments to detect early signs of illness.
  13. Create indoor playtime: Dedicate space in your home for your pet to play and explore. Puzzle games and interactive toys are an easy way to stimulate your pet's brain if you don't have time to play with them yourself.
  14. Use positive reinforcement: Reward your pet for good behavior using treats or verbal praise.
  15. Make your home pet-friendly: Ensure your home is a safe and stimulating environment for your pet by removing any potential hazards, creating play areas, and providing ample opportunities for exercise.

Incorporating these 15 pet resolutions into your daily life will not only benefit your furry friend's physical and mental health but also strengthen the bond between you and your pet. At Braxton's Animal Works, we strive to provide our customers with high-quality products and services for all their pet's needs. We hope these resolutions will help you and your pet have a happy and prosperous New Year.