[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="320"] Rachel Lipstick Williams, the Belle of the Ball (original dress and ensemble by Stephanie Beckman)[/caption]

As you gather your candy and put the finishing touches on your Halloween haunt, it is important to remember your pets.  Halloween is a fun and exciting time for adults and children, but it can be a very stressful and frightening time for your pets. There are some common sense ideas to help keep your pet safe and stress free.

1.  Keep Pets Indoors. On Halloween night, people can be cruel to animals - especially black cats.

2.  Keep Pets Away From the Door. The continual doorbell ringing can make animals very nervous. Keep animals in an upstairs room with pleasant music playing.

3.  Keep Pets Away From Strangers. Seeing strangers in odd costumes may make a dog aggressive.

4.  Keep Pets Away From Decorations.  Jack-O-Lanterns and other Halloween decorations are attractive to curious animals. Wagging tails can cause burns or fires.

5.  Keep Pets Away From Candy. Candies, gums, mints, baked goods and chocolate containing the "sugar free" sweetener xylitol are especially poisonous, causing rapid hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and liver failure in dogs and possibly other species (ferrets).

Chocolate is toxic  to pets. Granted, a 50 pound dog would have to eat about 50 ounces of milk chocolate (but only 5 ounces of baking chocolate) for a toxic dose, but much smaller amounts can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Signs of chocolate toxicity include tremors, nervousness, vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, and in severe cases, seizures and death. If you suspect that your pet has eaten chocolate, consult your veterinarian.

Other candies, such as lollipops and those with plastic components, pose a danger if ingested. Lollipop sticks and plastic parts can cause intestinal obstruction and potentially rupture the intestines, which is a life-threatening emergency.

With a little preparation and caution, Halloween can be fun for both humans and their pets.  Have a happy and safe Halloween.

Upcoming Events:

Halloween Contest:  Check out Braxton's newsletter or facebook page for the winner of this year's Halloween contest.

Santa Photos at Braxton's:  November18, 11:00-3:00 and December 8, 12:00-4:00.

Pooch Smooch Photography:  November 10 and December 1 11:00-4:00.  Call Pooch Smooch to schedule your appointment. 610-349-9200.

WMMR Radio Preston & Steve Campout for Hunger:  Braxton's will be participating in a pet food drive November 28 - December 2, 2012.

Dog Training Club of Chester County:  Braxton's will be collecting toys for a holiday toy drive.