On Sunday, August 16th, Pooch Smooch Photography will visit Braxton's Animal Works. Proprietor, Angela Stehl, combines her love of animals and photography to create  beautiful pictures. Angela attended the Art Institute of Philadelphia where she studied photography.  She graduated with honors and began her career, but it didn’t take long to realize that she was happiest photographing animals.

Since beginning Pooch Smooch photography, she has had the pleasure of working with some very wonderful models and their people. She has been published in several magazines, and her photography is featured in the book Big Picture written by the amazing dog training group, Tall Tails.

Angela is often asked how she gets such great photos of the animals, and she replies, "I look at each new subject with the patience and the understanding that we will both be learning something new from the experience." She always tries to make the photo shoot as relaxed as possible for all involved. Timing and understanding have a lot to do with the images she captures. She is always up to the challenge of photographing an animal who’s owner thinks will never sit still long enough for that perfect shot. "You will be amazed at what we can accomplish," she says, "It’s about having the patience and finding the right motivation."

To see a sampling of Angela's work, check out her gallery by clicking here. Enjoy what you see? Why not set up an appointment. Angela is currently taking appointments for the August 16th date at Braxton's. To schedule an appointment, contact Angela Nicole by phone: 1-610-349-9200 or by email, angela@poochsmoochphotography.com.

Angela will be using the beautiful outdoors surrounding Braxton's as her backdrop. So call now to be sure to reserve a time slot for your summer pictures.