Living in places like Eastern Pennsylvania where it snows, means having to change up your dog’s routine a bit. No longer can you just take them out for a quick walk around the block when it’s time for potty breaks. Grooming during the winter is essential to keeping your furry friend comfortable and healthy all season long. Some dogs require more maintenance then others, but here are a few things you can do to keep your furry friend feeling comfortable for the season and lookin' good.


Depending on the length and thickness of your dog’s coat, you may need to give them a haircut before winter arrives. This will help them stay warm by removing excess hair that they don’t need. Taking your dog to a professional groomer is always an option, but if you’re feeling ambitious, you can try doing it yourself at home. Just be sure to have the right tools on hand and take your time so you don’t accidentally hurt your pup.

Animal Wised YouTube Channel has a great beginners guide to grooming here.


Even if you don’t give your dog a haircut, they’ll still need to be brushed regularly during the winter months. This will help prevent mats and tangles from forming in their fur, which can be uncomfortable and even painful for them to deal with. It’s also a good opportunity to check for any ticks or fleas that might have taken up residence in their coat.

Trimming Their Nails

Keeping your dog's nails trimmed is important all year round, but it's especially important during the winter months. This is because long nails can cause pain and discomfort when walking on ice or snow. They can also become cracked and chipped, which can lead to infection. Trimming your dog's nails every few weeks will help keep them healthy and comfortable all winter long.


Bath time is just as important in the winter as it is during any other season. Bathing not only helps remove dirt and debris from your dog’s fur, but it also helps keep their skin healthy and hydrated. Just be careful not to bathe them too often, as this can strip away the natural oils that their skin produces to protect itself. Keeping their paws clean and free of sidewalk salt is very important as well. Every time you come inside from a walk where ice salt might be present, wipe your pet's paws with a wash cloth of warm water.

Bring your pup into Braxton's anytime they need a wash! Our baths are open daily from 9:30AM to 5PM and we have all the shampoo and towels you need!

By following these grooming tips, you'll help your dog stay comfortable and healthy all winter long. Regular brushing, bathing, and nail trims will go a long way in keeping them happy and comfortable all season long. So don't forget to give your furry friend some extra TLC this winter!