[caption id="attachment_48706" align="alignleft" width="200"] Photo: Linda M.[/caption]

April 19 -25, 2015 is National Pet Identification Week and Braxton's Animal Works is reminding its customers to take every precaution to be sure you can be reunited with your pet in the event he or she becomes lost.

Recently, my personal facebook page has been filled with messages from desperate pet owners asking for help in finding their lost pets. Even local police departments are joining the cause by posting pictures of lost dogs. It is more important than ever to be sure that your pet has a reliable form of identification on him at all times - even if he is an indoor pet.

For this reason, Braxton's is offering a free Imarc pet ID tag during the week of April 19-25,2015

Click here for a coupon for a free pet ID redeemable at Braxton's .

Because 1 in every 3 pets will be lost in their lifetime, ensure their safe return. The return rate for lost animals with microchips or tattoos is 20 times higher for cats and 2 ½ times higher for dogs compared to lost animals without an identification device.

A microchip is a permanent means of identification that is implanted under an animal’s skin. The chip can be read using special equipment by any veterinarian or animal control officer and provides the information needed in order to reunite the animal with its owner.

Tattooing, another alternative, is a permanent ID that involves marking an ID # code on the belly or inside leg of dogs or the ear of cats.