Halloween is just around the corner, and that means it's time to start thinking about how you're going to make this year's holiday extra special for your furry friend. Whether you're dressing them up in a costume, taking them trick-or-treating, or just making sure they have a fun and safe evening at home, these tips will help you make sure your pet has a howl-o-ween they'll never forget.


Let's start with the basics. If your pet will be going Trick-or-Treating with you, be sure to have a collar or harness with ID tags on them at all times. You never know when your pet might get scared or run off, so it's always better to be safe than sorry! review your pet's ID tags to make sure the information is up to date and easy to read. If you're unsure about your pet's tags, stop by your local vet or pet store and they'll be happy to help you out.

Plan Ahead

The key to a stress-free holiday is to plan ahead, so start thinking about your pet's Halloween plans now. If you're planning on taking them trick-or-treating with the kids, make sure their costume is comfortable and won't obstruct their vision. If you're staying home to hand out candy, create a safe space for them to retreat to if the doorbell ringing gets too overwhelming. And if you're attending a Halloween party, double check that your hosts are okay with pets before you bring them along.


Give them something to do. If your pet gets anxious with all the strangers coming to the door, give them something to do to keep them occupied. A Kong toy filled with their favorite treat can help keep their mind off things, as can playing some calming music or putting on a Halloween movie for them to watch (we recommend "Hocus Pocus" or "The Nightmare Before Christmas").


Another safety tip is to keep your pet away from any candy or chocolate. Chocolate, in particular, can be very dangerous for pets and can even be fatal in large quantities. Even if you think your pet won't be interested in the candy, it's best to err on the side of caution and keep it out of reach. The same goes for any decorations you might have around the house - avoid using anything that could potentially hurt your pet if they decide to nibble on it.


Once you've taken care of the safety basics, it's time to have some fun! One popular way to dress up your pet for Halloween is by using a festive bandana or bowtie. We like The Foggy Dogs selection of Halloween themed items. If you're feeling crafty, you could even make your own!

Halloween is a blast for humans and pets alike - but only if it's done safely! By following these tips, you can rest assured knowing that your furry friend will have a howling good time this Halloween season! Happy howl-o-ween!