As pet parents, we always seek the best ways to care for our furry companions. Nutrition is a critical component of their overall well-being. Recently, I attended the Dog Nutrition Summit and gathered valuable insights from various experts in the field. Here’s a breakdown of the event’s itinerary, detailed speaker information, and key takeaways to help you make informed dietary choices for your pets.

Below is a recap of the summit, highlighting Braxton's three major takeaways:

  1. Gut Health is Crucial: The gut plays a vital role in a pet's overall health. Ensuring a balanced gut with beneficial bacteria is essential for optimal nutrient absorption from food.
  2. Incorporate Whole Foods: Adding safe, fresh fruits and vegetables to your pet's diet is crucial. These whole foods can help prevent cancers and other food-related illnesses like diabetes. Try adding some to your pet's bowl today for a health boost.
  3. Choose Trusted Brands: With so many pet food brands available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. At Braxton's, every brand we carry is selected for a unique purpose. We thoroughly vet each company to ensure they value transparency and prioritize your pet's best interests. Visit us to find the best options for your pet.

Day 1: Understanding the Importance of Nutrition for Dogs


TCVM & Whole Foods: Unlock the Power of Food Therapy

Dr. Susan Bohrer | DVM, CVA, CVFT

About: Dr. Bohrer integrates Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) and whole foods to create balanced diets that promote health and well-being.

Key Takeaways:

  • Processed foods can increase inflammation and decrease immune function.
  • Different foods address specific health signs (e.g., warming foods for cold signs, cooling foods for hot signs). If you want to learn more about Food Energetics, you can read our blog on the subject!
  • Balanced diets with a variety of whole foods support overall health.

Dog Gut Health

Julie Anne Lee | DCH RCSHom, Founder and Formulator, Adored Beast Apothecary

About: Julie Anne Lee is a holistic veterinary practitioner with extensive experience in homeopathy and functional pathology.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gut health is crucial for overall well-being; 70-90% of the immune system resides in the gut.
  • Prebiotics and species-specific probiotics maintain gut health.
  • Rotating probiotics and a diverse diet enhance gut biodiversity.

Understanding Pet Food Labels

Chelsea Kent | Pet Nutritionist

About: Chelsea Kent is the owner of several pet nutrition businesses and works closely with various organizations to promote better pet food standards.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding pet food labels helps in making informed choices. If you want to learn more about what to look for on pet food labels, you can read our blog here.
  • Regulations influence the information on pet food labels.
  • Learning pet food math ensures your pet receives balanced nutrition.

Body Condition Scoring and Obesity

Dr. Matthew Muir | BVSc/BVetBiol (Hons) MRCVS

About: Dr. Matthew Muir is an integrative veterinarian with a special interest in the gut-brain axis and the microbiome.

Key Takeaways:

  • Body condition scoring is crucial for longevity.
  • A wholefood diet helps achieve an optimal body condition.
  • Microbiome manipulation supports health goals.

Understanding the Vital Role of Good (And Poor) Dog Nutrition

Dr. Conor Brady | Writer & Holistic Pet Health Advocate

About: Dr. Conor Brady is an author and leading pet nutritionist who emphasizes the importance of gut health and balanced nutrition.

Key Takeaways:

  • Essential nutrients like proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals are vital for canine health.
  • Gut flora plays a pivotal role in overall well-being.
  • Addressing gut health can improve behavior and physical health.

How to Test for Nutritional Deficiencies

Dr. Ava Frick | DVM, CAC, FAIS

About: Dr. Ava Frick has extensive experience in veterinary chiropractic, rehab, and nutrition, with a focus on hair tissue mineral analysis.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hair and blood samples can test for deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.
  • Knowing nutrient levels before treatment ensures effective supplementation.
  • Regular testing helps maintain balanced nutrition.

Why Vets Don’t Like Raw Feeding

Dr. Katie Woodley | Holistic Veterinarian

About: Dr. Katie Woodley is a holistic veterinarian who advocates for raw feeding and natural medicine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many vets lack training in the benefits of raw diets.
  • Gradually transitioning to raw food can prevent digestive issues.
  • Proper food handling and diverse nutrition are key to a successful raw diet.

Detailed Insights from Other Sessions

From Basic to Bougie: Upgrade Your Dog's Diet

Dr. Meghan Barrett | Integrative Veterinarian

About: Dr. Meghan Barrett provides services such as acupuncture, bodywork, and custom home-cooked diets for pets in Hawaii.

Key Takeaways:

  • Identify and avoid harmful effects of processed dog foods.
  • Prioritize your dog’s nutrition for overall well-being.
  • Track dietary changes to monitor health improvements.

What is a Biologically Appropriate Raw Food Diet

Dr. Ian Billinghurst | Veterinary Surgeon

About: Dr. Ian Billinghurst is a nutritionist and author specializing in raw food diets for dogs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biologically appropriate raw food diets are based on species-specific nutritional needs.
  • Balance diets over multiple meals rather than each meal.
  • Raw diets should be simple and food-based.

Is a Vegan Diet Good for Pets

Dr. Nick Thompson | MRCVS, Vet, Food Freak

About: Dr. Nick Thompson is a veterinarian with over 25 years of experience advocating for raw feeding.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vegan diets are inappropriate for dogs.
  • Natural, minimally processed foods are best for pets.
  • Avoid ultra-processed foods for better health.

Demystifying Organic Pet Food

Hanna Mandelbaum | Co-CEO of Evermore Pet Food

About: Hanna Mandelbaum is the co-founder of Evermore Pet Food, known for ethical and transparent ingredient sourcing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand what “organic” means on pet food labels.
  • Avoid deceptive marketing claims.
  • Organic labels and ingredient sourcing impact health.

The Link Between Nutrition and Disease

Dr. Gary Richter | MS, DVM, CVA, CVC, GDWVHM

About: Dr. Gary Richter is a veterinarian specializing in both Western and holistic therapies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fresh, whole food diets promote health and longevity.
  • Processed diets can contribute to health problems.
  • Integrative approaches enhance overall well-being.

How to Use Food Therapy for Healing Your Dog

Dr. Cathy Alinovi | Retired Veterinarian

About: Dr. Cathy Alinovi is a holistic veterinarian dedicated to enhancing pet health through natural solutions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Food therapy supports other treatments like acupuncture and chiropractic care.
  • The quality of food impacts the effectiveness of therapies.
  • Natural diets improve physical and mental health.

The Dangers of Commercial Pet Food and Kibble

Dr. Barbara Royal | Integrative Veterinarian

About: Dr. Barbara Royal is the founder of The Royal Treatment Veterinary Center and an expert in integrative veterinary medicine.

Key Takeaways:

  • The pet food industry often prioritizes profit over health.
  • High heat processing of kibble creates carcinogens.
  • Poor quality ingredients contribute to common pet illnesses.

Nutrition in Cancer

Dr. Kendra Pope | Veterinary Oncologist and Integrative Medicine Practitioner

About: Dr. Kendra Pope specializes in treating cancer and chronic diseases with holistic modalities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Diets for cancer patients need to be specific and minimally processed.
  • Anti-inflammatory and phytonutrient-rich foods support cancer management.
  • Organic, high-quality foods offer better nutrition and fewer toxins.

The Use of Herbs in Your Dog’s Diet

Rita Hogan | Canine Herbalist

About: Rita Hogan is a clinical canine herbalist with extensive experience in using herbs to support pet health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Herbs can enhance overall health when used correctly.
  • Rotate herbs every 6-12 weeks for optimal benefits.
  • Introduce new herbs gradually to allow acclimation.

Supplements to Balance Real/Raw Food Diets

Hannah Zulueta | Certified Canine Nutritionist

About: Hannah Zulueta focuses on enhancing dog nutrition through whole foods and functional supplements.

Key Takeaways:

  • Add supplements to commercial food for balance.
  • Functional supplements support specific health needs.
  • Base mixes can simplify homemade diets.

Nutrition and Testing

Randy Ringold | President, CTO at VDI Laboratory, LLC

About: Randy Ringold is the founder of VDI Laboratory, specializing in innovative biomarkers for companion animals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin D deficiencies impact pet health.
  • Effective use of dietary supplements addresses nutrient deficiencies.
  • Identify essential nutrients for optimal health.

Sign off:

At Braxton’s Animal Works, we believe in empowering pet parents with the knowledge to make the best choices for their pets. Visit our store for high-quality pet products and expert advice. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more tips and updates. Together, let’s ensure our pets live happy, healthy lives!