Did you know that more dogs run away on the Fourth of July than on any other day of the year? The sounds of fireworks - the artificial squeal followed by the giant burst of explosives and subsequent whimper - drives dogs nuts! And for many, it triggers their innate flight instinct.

Fireworks are closer to the ground and more vibrant than thunderstorms which can already be alarming for your four-legged friend. Remember, dogs experience the world through their senses: smell, sight, and sound and may not be prepared for the sudden booms, flashes, and burnt aromas associated with the typical Fourth of July celebrations.

So what do you do? Do you take your dog to the fireworks with you? Do you leave him home alone? Can you prepare him for this? Here are a few tips to help your furry friend survive the holiday. For more information on this topic, click here.

  1. Leave your dog with friends or family.
  2. If you leave your dog home, leave him in a travel kennel.
  3. Play sounds that simulate fireworks for your dog before he eats, plays, or walks.
  4. If you must take him with you, be sure to leash him properly.

Braxton's Animal Works offers a variety of calming devices including the Thundershirt, Homeopet Storm Stress, Pet Natural of Vermont Calming Chews, and Calming Collars. Stop by and check out our selection.

Braxton's Animal Works will be closed on Thursday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day. The store will resume normal business hours on Friday, July 5th.
