Is your dog afraid of fireworks? While the 4th of July holiday means lots of fun and excitement  to people like – barbeques, shore vacation, pool parties, parades and fireworks - for your pets all the excitement and noise can cause anxiety and stir fear in dogs. Fireworks and summer thunder storms can cause your dog to react by hiding, chewing, scratching, whining, pacing and seeking comfort in tight places. Some behavior can be unintentionally destructive and some that could lead to injury to the dog.

There are a few ways to help calm your dog.  One that Veterinarians recognize as a safe, effective cure for anxiety, is the Thundershirt.  Most dogs, even the very first time that you put the Thundershirt on them, are likely to show a significant reduction of all symptoms.

How does it work? “The Thundershirt uses gentle, constant pressure to calm your dog - effectively aiding anxiety, fearfulness, barking and more.*”

Besides using the The Thundershirt for anxiety from loud noises, it can be used for a range of other anxieties – separation,  travel, crating and barking. The Thundershirt feeling of pressure is similar to hugs and cuddles from their owners.

“Before the anticipated fireworks display is the best time to put your Thundershirt on your dog, prior to your dog becoming scared and anxious; but, it is fine to put the Thundershirt on AFTER your dog has become anxious, as you will still see good results. In most cases, it is fine to leave a Thundershirt on your dog for extended durations of time. Many Thundershirt owners put their dogs in their Thundershirts prior to going to work, if a storm is forecast for the day, and come home to find a happy, tranquil pet.*”

Have a Happy & Safe 4th of July and remember that you can find the Thundershirt and other calming aids at Braxton's. Click here for other Summer Tips.

* Info - Thundershirt website