Braxton's is adhering to the CDC guidelines for masking and cleaning to keep employees and customers as safe as possible.

In this rapidly changing environment, Braxton's wants to keep its customers updated as quickly as information becomes available.

New Year's 2021

Welcome to the new year! Let's work towards making this a better year than last (all be it a very low bar). We continue to do our best to maintain a safe environment here at Braxton's. Some employees have experienced Covid personally or in their household. They quarantined in a timely manner and helped to contain the spread. Fortunately, everyone has recovered well and some have even begun to get the vaccine.

September 8, 2020

We've expanded our hours again now we're here for you everyday from 9:30am until 5:30pm

May 26, 2020

Happy Memorial Day weekend. We've opened to foot traffic. Come in the store to shop or continue with Call Ahead-Curbside or Local Home delivery to get your pets goodies. The baths are also open

April 13, 2020

To Our

Faithful Friends,

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for your incredible loyalty, patience and support over the last few, hectic weeks! Braxton’s Animal Works has been able to continue to serve each of you during this surreal time by practicing social distancing through Call Ahead - Curbside Pick Up and Local Home Delivery. We are becoming more efficient every day as we settle into our new routine. We want to keep you up to date on how this new routine works:

Braxton’s will take your order over the phone or via email; we do the shopping for you and then

bring your order to your car trunk or deliver it to

your home.

  • Call Ahead-Curbside Pick Up by placing your order a day in advance
  • Local Home Delivery Service will continue Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Phone 610-688-0769 or Email
  • Contactless: Provide your Payment info when you order
  • Store Hours: Monday - Saturday, 10 am - 5 pm; Closed Sundays

Braxton’s will

continue to operate in this way for the

foreseeable future. We all need to be safe and smart in order to help mitigate the spread of the

virus. We do not

want anyone on either side of our doors to become ill. If someone on our staff contracts

COVID-19, Braxton’s will be forced to close and undergo a deep


Our grandparents, Ed and Gertrude Braxton, opened for business on this very corner in 1938. They lived on the second floor of what today is the Garden Shoppe and The Center of Success. We think they would be proud to know that all of their blood, sweat, and tears has continued to stand the test of time. Thank you all for supporting small businesses like Braxton’s Animal Works and continuing to allow us to serve you.

Shop Small, Shop Local when you can. We

are all in this together and together we will

make it through.

Stay safe and be well,

John and Dave Braxton

March 25, 2020

Here are some facts and tips to keep in mind regarding COVID-19 and your pets. These tips were developed by Penn Vet's microbiology experts:

  • Dr. Shelley Rankin, Professor of Microbiology, Head of Diagnostic Services, and Chief of Clinical Microbiology
  • Dr. Stephen Cole, Assistant Professor of Clinical Microbiology, and Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Microbiology (Bacteriology/Mycology, Immunology)

Frequently Asked Questions from Penn Vet. Click here.

March 20, 2020

Braxton's begins Call ahead, Curbside pick-up. Please give us a day to put together your curbside pick-up order.

March 19, 2020

To Our Faithful Friends,

It is our goal, at Braxton’s Animal Works, to remain open as we navigate through this uncharted territory surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic.  When met with a challenge, our father, Bill Braxton, would offer this encouraging statement to his clients: 

“There’s nothing here we can’t take care of.”  

In an effort to live up to Dad’s words and continue to serve each of you during this tough time, we would like to share some recent changes we have made to help ‘flatten the curve’ to mitigate the spread of the virus.  So that we may continue to serve you responsibly, without compromising the health and well-being of our staff or clients, Braxton’s will initiate the following measures:


*Store Hours:  Monday-Saturday, 10am-5pm; Closed Sundays

*Call Ahead, Curbside Pick-Up Only: Phone 610-688-0769 

Please give us a day to put your order together for curbside pick-up.

*Or, email us at:

*For everyone’s safety, shop will be closed to walk-in traffic until further notice

*Delivery service will continue Tuesdays and Thursdays  For Details:

We ask for your patience as we fine-tune this temporary system and apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause.  These necessary measures will hopefully enable all of us to remain healthy and safe, as we continue to serve you and weather this storm together for the weeks to come.  We truly appreciate our connection with each of you in the pet community and the love and care you give your pets.

As our mother, Mary Theresa Braxton, would say: “This too, shall pass.”

Stay Safe & Be Well,

John and Dave Braxton