While most cats in this area are inside cats, there are still those few that have the hunter in them that like to stay out. For those cats here are some safety tips for the summer.

#1  Keep cats hydrated with fresh water.  Add extra water dishes inside and out. Place outside water bowls in the shade and add ice cubes to extend fresh water supply and prevent rapid evaporation. If the whole family is gone during the work day, consider a water fountain that connects to a hose for continuous clean water.

#2  Remove shedding fur. Cats shed  a huge amount during the summer months. Brushing or using a deshedding tool like the Furminator ® not only helps keep pets cooler, keeps fur from wafting through the house, but also prevents hair balls which can grow to a size that may make your cat ill. If you suspect that your pet is showing any signs of illness contact your veterinarian immediately.

#3  Watch for signs of Heat Stroke. “Heatstroke is life-threatening, and knowing proper first aid can save your cat's life.*”

Signs to watch for are:

  • Rapid panting
  • Bright red tongue
  • Red or pale gums
  • Thick, sticky saliva
  • Depression
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting - sometimes with blood
  • Diarrhea
  • Shock
  • Coma

What to do:

  • Remove from hot area.
  • Contact your veterinarian ASAP.
  • At the same time gradually cool your pet down to reduce his/her temperature. (Take your cat’s temperature - normal feline temperature is 99.5 to 102.5 degrees.) Apply cool towels or submerge cat into cool water.

You can shop for products that will help your pet keep cool in summer at Braxton’s. We’d be glad to help you find and select just the right products from water bowls to fountains.

*Three Essential Summer Tips for Cats – online at Catster