Braxton's would like to recognize our graduating seniors as they head off to college in the fall.  Good Luck and Thank You for spending some time with us: Maddie Frable, Bobby Wynn, and Matt Doble.

Madison Frable

Madison will be graduating on July 21, 2020. She will attend Temple University in the fall and plans to major in Biology. She is looking forward to living in the city and enjoying city life. Madison doesn't think that it will be hard to keep in touch with family and friends since she won't be too far from home.

Due to COVID-19, there are quite a few people she won't get to have a formal "goodbye" with, but she is hoping that this summer she will be able to fix that. She misses high school a lot and wishes that she was fully able to experience her senior year, but she believes that everything happens for a reason, and having this time to herself has been a big learning process for my upcoming years of living independently.

Bobby Wynn

Bobby graduated on June 3rd, but a real ceremony will be held on July 21, 2020. He will attend Lehigh University in the fall and plans to study Business. Bobby is looking forward to experiencing college and independence. He is sad to leave behind his friends and his job. Bobby feels sad to have missed out on his baseball season and the celebrations to end his senior year.

Matt Doble

Matt Doble will be graduating on July 21, 2020. He will attend Northeastern University in the fall and plans to study Environmental Engineering. He is looking forward to living in a new place/city, meeting new people, and experiencing new things. He will miss his friends and family that he is leaving behind, but is excited about his opportunity to grow. He is supposed to study abroad in Dublin his first semester. We can't wait to hear all about it.

Congratulations from all of us at Braxton's. We look forward to hearing about all of your new experiences.