Heading to the Jersey Shore this summer? Be sure Fido or Fifi is properly restrained, or you could be looking at a hefty fine. Some may be unaware that New Jersey is one of the few states that  have passed legislation requiring animal restraints in moving vehicles. According to AAA, "Some states even have laws that apply to animals riding in the exterior of the vehicle, such as the bed of a pickup."

And the fines are steep - humans who don't buckle up can receive a ticket for $46.00, but New Jersey police can stop a vehicle with an improperly restrained pet and issue a ticket ranging from $250-$1,000 as well as a disorderly conduct offense under animal-cruelty laws.

The truth is: unrestrained pets can be a distraction to drivers, just like cell phone use, adjusting the radio, eating, applying cosmetics, and many other non-driving related activities in which we tend to engage.  Not only can pets distract drivers, a pet can be injured or lost during the chaos of an accident. Restraining pets just makes sense...for both pets and their parents.

Braxton's Animal Works offers Kurgo Car Harnesses which can keep your pet safe while driving. The harness is  adjustable for easy custom fitting regardless of the size or proportions of your animal. Be sure to stop by Braxton's before you set out on your summer vacation. Our knowledgeable staff is always willing to answer your questions. If you are interested in the Kurgo Harness, watch the video below to see just how it works.
