Did you know that March 23, 2013 is National Puppy Day? National Puppy Day, celebrated March 23rd each year, is a day founded by Pet Lifestyle Expert, Animal Behaviorist and Author, Colleen Paige. She believes that this is a special day to, "Celebrate the magic and unconditional love that puppies bring to our lives." But more importantly, it's a day to help save orphaned puppies across the globe and educate the public about the horrors of puppy mills.

So, you are probably thinking, how do people celebrate National Puppy Day? Colleen Paige offers 50 creative ways to commemorate this day, but I have chosen my top five and listed them here.

Top 5 Ways to Celebrate National Puppy Day

  1. Adopt a puppy from your local shelter or pure breed rescue organization. Click here to see shelters and rescues in our area.
  2. Host or attend a community event to raise money for a local animal shelter. Click here for a local event being held this weekend.
  3. Purchase non-toxic cleaning products to protect your puppy. Braxton's staff is happy to offer suggestions and answer your questions.
  4. Pledge to feed  your puppy all natural food and treats.
  5. Pledge to be patient and kind giving your puppy praise and love everyday.

To view Colleen Paige's complete list, click here.

National Puppy Day is the perfect opportunity to raise awareness of the harm caused by puppy mills. According to the Humane Society of the U.S., puppy mills take advantage of  consumers who are unaware of the cruel treatment the pups they are selling must endure: "Puppy mills house dogs in shockingly poor conditions. After their fertility wanes, breeding animals are often killed, abandoned or sold cheaply to another mill to try and get "one more litter" out of the dog. The annual result of all this breeding is millions of puppies, many with behavior and/or health problems."

Puppy mills aren't the only challenge facing dogs. An estimated 3-4 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year in the U.S., due in part to owner abandonment and low adoption rates. Organizations urge owners to spay/neuter their pets, and many groups ask that potential owners choose adoption over going to a breeder.

Consider becoming involved in a local shelter or rescue by donating your money or donating your time. The animals will thank you.

Upcoming Events

Reigning Cats & Dogs:

The Wayne Art Center opens an exhibition of companion animal works with a Reception on Friday, April 5, 2013 6:00-9:00 and a Pet Fair on Saturday, April 6, 2013. For details click here.


Braxton’s Animal Works would like to make our customers aware of a voluntary recall issued by Natura Pet Products, makers of Innova, Evo, California Natural, and Healthwise. Click here for specific details.