With a canine population of about 77 million, dogs are the number one pet companion in the United States. Most dog owners are extremely satisfied with their pets; however, nearly 3.3 million dogs are turned over to animal shelters each year. The most common reason given for relinquishment is behavioral issues.

The University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine recently conducted a study that considered the influence and personality of dog owners on the outcome of behavioral changes.

"Almost nothing is known about how treatment success is influenced by the characteristics of the owner,” said Lauren Powell, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.

To better understand what it takes to correct problem dog behavior, a team at PennVet recruited 131 dog-owner pairs to attend a veterinary behavioral program for six months.

Although some of the results were as expected, others surprised the team. “Extroverted owners were more likely to see improvements in dogs’ fearful behaviors and introverted owners less so,” said Powell, lead author of the study published recently in Frontiers in Veterinary Science. "Introverted owners may find it tough to leave their dog or give it space if it is required as part of the dog’s treatment." To read more about this study, click here.

Working through behavioral problems is very important to prevent mild annoyances from becoming major issues. If you are having behavioral issues with your pup, Braxton's Animal Works has a list of local trainers who are well-known to us, and we are comfortable recommending them.